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Class Card Visual 1 A3 (Medium).jpg
Class Card Visual 2 A3 (Medium).jpg

We don't believe in making things complicated...

  • Step 1: Complete the online Registration Form

  • Step 2: Once your registration is complete, you’ll be sent  the design sheets, parent’s letter & order forms. We'll also email copies so you can print off additional copies if needed.

  • Step 3: Send the letters, templates and order forms home to parents to complete and return by a set date or arrange a design lesson for pupils to complete their designs in class before taking them home with an order form.

  • Step 4: Collect all the order forms, design sheets and payments then send them to the team at Dash. Once everything has been received at Dash, we’ll email you an invoice for payment before we start production

  • Step 5: Once your payment has been received, we'll start on the production of your goods

  • Step 6: On completion of your order, all the personalised goods will  be sent to you at the school for distribution.

  •  Step 7: Enjoy spending the money you’ve raised in school and have a Happy Christmas!

  • Up to £1.30 from every pack of cards, £1.50 from each mug, 75p from each calendar and 50p from each coaster ordered goes to your School or organisation

  • Cards cost parents just £5.50 per pack (12 cards), Mugs just £6.50, Calendars just £3.00 and Coasters just £3.00 each 

  • Easy scheme to administer... Dash does all the hard work with everything delivered within 15 working days from the receipt of your artworks

  • You'll be dealing with a company which has over 20 years experience working with fundraising and mail order 

Call us on 01934 519555

Dash (UK) Ltd

Ebdon Bow, Wick St Lawrence

Weston super Mare

BS22 9NZ

Click the envelope to email us

© Iain Shaw 2023

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